Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ready for Takeoff !!

I have always wanted to build and fly an airplane. My dream is to build my own plane and fly it around the world. As a child, I would create designs for aircraft that might never fly beyond my imagination. As an adult, finally making some money, I took flying lessons and attained a Private Pilots License. I flew in rented airplanes at my local airport, occasionally getting up as far as Nantucket Island and Bar Harbor, Maine.

My interest is as much in the workings of these complex machines as in actually flying. I enjoy learning how all the controls work, especially the electronics of modern day navigation devices. Planes with this type of equipment cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, out of my reach when I was an IT executive, and even more so in my current situation.

For these reasons, and owing to the need for a complex, all consuming project in my life I am considering the construction of an airplane. I have also accumulated a serious collection of computer and media hardware and software, so it seems natural for me to document my project on the web, and so a blog is born.....

My plan with this blog is to take you along as I complete the decision making process, and then document the actual process of preparing for and actually making an airplane. The good news is I am not the first to build his own plane, Wilber and Orville don't even have that honor - it's been going on for a long time. Nevertheless, most folks are unaware that one can build and fly your own plane, and very few actually know how it's done.

So, my first order of business will be to outline just how one can indeed do this and how I am going to start.

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